Sunday, 30 June 2013

Crossing the finishing line - #Juneathon Day 30

I started the last day of Juneathon having clocked up a little over 192 miles - so the question was could I make it over 200. A difference of 8 miles was more exercise than I would usually do on a Sunday, even with the newly introduced cycle to and back from the swimming pool.

S came into our room around 7 this morning and woke Sarah and I up slowly by being extremely cute. This meant that I was all sorted and ready to head out to the pool in plenty of time. The only available option for extra exercise today was going to be to/from my aunt's house, where we were due to have lunch as I have too much to carry not to go to/from church in the car and Sarah was going to be zauberflöting with her band this afternoon.

So, on me bike and off to the pool. I was actually early today and was first into the pool. I got into the fast lane and set off. It felt really good today and I completed 100 lengths in just under an hour. 98 were on front crawl and 2 were on breast stroke (they would all have been on front crawl, but the lifeguards started swapping the lane designations around and I wanted to see what they were playing at). In the end, I had the lane to myself for the whole hour as the pool was quieter than usual.

After church, it was a quick change into some cycling gear and headed off to lunch with the family. All was going well until I hit the three mile mark, at which point, I had to contend with some serious elevation change and even changing down the gears, I wasn't able to pedal all the way up the path from the Birmingham Main Line towpath to the road and had to get off and push the final bit. Even then, there was still more climbing to be done, however just about managed to cope with that.

On the bright side, this meant that the return journey would be downhill, although to compensate, I did choose a longer route that took me back to the Walsall canal.

And so that's my Juneathon done - to finish, I'll leave you with Rocket Ron's photo of me crossing the finishing line at yesterday's Walsall Arboretum Park Run. 

Cycling: 11.58 miles in 1h 09m 54 (4 rides)
Swimming: 1.55 miles (2.5km)  in 57m

Stop the clock!

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 29.99 miles
Time - 4h 19m 05

Distance - 8.06 miles
Time - 4h 47m 38

Distance - 138.23 miles
Time - 9h 55m 57

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 10.32 miles
Time - 1h 31m 51

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 205.82 miles
Total Time - 25h 20m 56

Total Weight loss during June - 2lb

Total Distance this year - 1101.21 miles (94.71 miles ahead of target).

Saturday, 29 June 2013

The no15, no22 and no29 buses. #Juneathon day 29

Another Saturday, another parkrun, but to be honest, I wasn't expecting anything from my run this morning.

I didn't get in until nearly midnight and I was right out of puff after playing my trumpet (although hopefully lots of money was raised for Shelter). This made getting out of bed difficult and I just about managed to get myself out if the house in time.

In comparison to the last couple of days, the weather was quite nice - the sun was actually out! There was a bit of a breeze, but it wasn't cold and I actually felt quite good as I walked from the car down to the start line.

Just before we started, I spotted the woman who finished immediately in front of me when I set my PB last week, so I thought it might not be a bad idea to try following her round, reasoning that I should be on for an OK time if I did. However, this didn't last long as I actually felt like I had a bit of pace in me and I ended up overtaking quite a few people as we approached the end of the first lap. With an opening mile of around 8 minutes, anything was still possible.

In fact, as I headed into lap 2, I passed some people that I usually associate with finishing way in front of me. I'm not daft enough to think that I was going that well and just concentrated on running my own race. Heading up Beacon Way for the second time, I could feel my pace slowing, but passing the 2 mile mark, I was still under 17 minutes.

The final lap continued to feel good, but the tank was starting to empty. As such, I was passed by a couple of people who still had the energy for a sprint finish. It it possible for a stopwatch to show both a great and a gutting time simultaneously? My wristwatch was saying 25m 01 (later officially confirmed at 25m 03) so although that was another PB, my third in three weeks! I was disappointed not to break the 25 minute barrier - perhaps that could be a birthday present for me next Saturday!

Park Run #18: 3.11miles (5km) in 25m 03 (63rd finisher)

Juneathon Parkrun Summary:
PB prior to Juneathon: 26m 04
Current PB 25m 03 (-1m 01) set 29 June 2013.

I got home to find the house empty, which is not unusual as the kids are at swimming lessons, but after she joined the People's Orchestra (see my blog post here for further details) Sarah was heading into Halesowen to get some cleaning stuff for her flute. This left me with time on my hands (as well as Q3 for the British Grand Prix) during which I started to wonder whether I needed another challenge for running.

So, the plan is to start a Bridge to 10k programme as on a whim I have entered the Walsall Fun Run on 22 September.

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 29.99 miles
Time - 4h 19m 05

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 126.65 miles
Time - 8h 46m 03

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 10.32 miles
Time - 1h 31m 51

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 192.69 miles
Total Time - 23h 14m 02

Friday, 28 June 2013

Once around the block - #Juneathon Day 28

After working all day yesterday and then virtually heading straight out yesterday evening for a rehearsal, I wasn't getting up early to cycle into work again today. This then posed a dilemma as tonight, I'm due to play in a backing band at a charity concert in Wheaton Aston

Having not seen Sarah or the kids really in the last 24 hours, I didn't think it was fair for me to arrive home and ask for permission to go down the to gym just so I could do something for Juneathon. However, when I arrived home, Sarah hadn't got back from the school run with the kids. A quick check of my watch and I reckoned I had about 10 minutes before they got back.

Due to an unexpected cock-up, the cycling stuff I'd put in the washing machine this morning was still unwashed. I'd obviously knocked the 'cancel' button after trying to turn it on. Legging it upstairs, I changed into a dirty t-shirt and sweatshirt (well I wasn't going to be long enough for anyone to notice and it was only going to get sweaty anyway) and grabbed Sarah's cycling clips for my jeans, intending to do a quick circuit on my bike before Sarah got back.

Just after the roundabout, I saw Sarah coming back with the kids, she didn't notice me but G did and attracted her attention with just enough time for us to have a quick "Where are you going?" / "Once round the block" before I whizzed past (or should that be wheezed - it was up hill). It was a short ride and as I turned the corner back into our road, Sarah and the kids were just arriving home, so I raced G&S to the door.

Not the greatest exercise of the month, but enough to make me feel like I've done something.
Cycling: 1.41 miles in 8m 00

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 26.88 miles
Time - 3h 54m 02

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 126.65 miles
Time - 8h 46m 03

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 10.32 miles
Time - 1h 31m 51

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 189.61 miles
Total Time - 22h 48m 59

Thursday, 27 June 2013

The calm before the storm (twice) #Juneathon Day 27

And so the question became "Would I be able to get up in time to cycle to work?"

As it happened, I needn't have worried. Often when I have to get up early, I end up having a really bad night's sleep as I'm paranoid I'm going to oversleep. And so it turned out, looking at the clock at 3, 4.30, 5.10 and 5.35 before finally deciding to get out of bed just after 6. It's not often I'm out of bed before both of the children. S is still in his early bird phase and will often be out of bed when the sun comes up on his alarm clock (6am). Fortunately, G can be relied upon to sleep a little longer, which avoids the whole street being woken up by World War III when they can't agree on what they want to watch on TV.

This morning, I was able to be downstairs enjoying the peace and quiet, slowly getting myself ready to go out. (This was the quiet before the storm part 1!)

When Sarah has ridden into Birmingham before, she's joined the canal by Dudley Port railway station, but there is a significant elevation change here (the canal goes on an aquaduct over the road). I also felt that I would be going slightly away from Brum before heading towards it. Having chosen my route and still not entirely awake, I set off. As I joined the canal towpath by Ryder's Green, I allowed a little speed to pick up before realising I needed to turn sharper than I had thought. If I was driving a formula one car, it might have been said that I let the back end slide out a little, but less than a mile into my journey and almost having a close encounter with the canal wasn't the start I had in mind.

It was a lovely morning and I was happy with the way I way riding, not pushing too hard since I had a full day ahead of me. The journey in took me the best part of 44 minutes and a quick shower and change later I was ready for the day.

I'm not sure what time it happened, but sometime this afternoon, the heavens opened (the second storm). This left me with two choices - admit defeat, cycle to New Street and get on a train, or head back. I decided that the exercise was good for me, but the puddles don't half form quickly on the towpath. I'd barely gone a mile and my shoes and socks were already sopping wet. I did push a bit harder on the way back, although there wasn't a huge benefit in doing so. I'm not sure I could have got any wetter! Did anyone order a drowned rat?

On the brightside, on standing on the scales when I got back in, I lost 1.5lbs this week. 

Cycling: 14.50 miles in 1h 24m 21 (2 rides)

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 26.88 miles
Time - 3h 54m 02

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 125.24 miles
Time - 8h 38m 03

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 10.32 miles
Time - 1h 31m 51

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 188.17 miles
Total Time - 22h 40m 59

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The warm up - #Juneathon day 26

I um'd and ah'd about what to do exercise-wise today. I didn't want to go to the gym as I did that yesterday and I wasn't in the mood for running. Tomorrow, I'm planning on cycling to and from work, so I decided I'd have a relatively light session on the bike.

I picked up the Old Main Line canal near Dudley Port and headed towards Oldbury. This went right past the estate we used to live on, which brought back some happy memories of our first house together. The towpath along the Old Main Line was slightly more overgrown than the Main Line and there was a couple of occasions I needed to dismount as I wasn't convinced I would have stayed on if I'd have tried to ride straight through. (As a West Wing fan, this springs to mind...)
I was interested to see what happened to the Main Line and Old Main Line when they flowed around Oldbury as it's not something I'd got my head around previously. The Old Main Line goes under the M5 motorway for some of its stretch at which point the towpath surface is horrible. Whilst I was there, I was surprised to find the canal junction for the Titford canal. It just seems strange to have a two canals and the slow pace of life that suggests meeting under a motorway with thr thunder of HGVs and other traffic overhead.

Continuing along the towpath, I was relieved to find a grassy section of towpath. I was less happy to run into another cluster of tetchy geese - To be fair they did seem to have young with them, but even when they don't I hate having to go past them. It's a bit better on a bike though - when I'm running, I'm always concerned at the geese that not only hiss at you but run towards you to chase you off.

Warning geese - the original angry birds!

After crossing over the canal, the towpath surface went bad again, at which point my amazing reclining seat problem started to reoccur. Although I did have a spanner with me, I didn't want to break my rhythm. It then became time for a little over under. Under the West Coast Rail Main Line. Over the Canal Main Line. Under another main road.

It was time to turn around and come back again, so I cycled a short way down the Spon Lane as I knew both canals had access points off it. Transferring to the Main Line, I was comfortable in my cycling style and I came back via the Wednesbury Old Canal down Eight Locks (that's quite fun to do when you're on a bike) before arriving back at home.

So, I've packed my rucksack for the morning - change of clothes, towel, toiletries and work ID. The rest of my gear is ready to be worn. My only challenge now is to be up and out the house by 7am so I can be at work on time!

Cycling: 8.12 miles in 58m 09

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 26.88 miles
Time - 3h 54m 02

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 110.80 miles
Time - 7h 13m 42

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 10.32 miles
Time - 1h 31m 51

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 173.67 miles
Total Time - 21h 16m 38

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Exercise unplanned - #Juneathon Day 25

It was time for the usual Tuesday-night trip to the gym. The only problem is that I had felt lethargic since... the time I got up this morning. In fact, if I hadn't have been doing Juneathon, I may have taken tonight as a night off. As such, I had absolutely no plan as to what I was going to do down the gym this evening.

I didn't want too intensive a session, but I did want to push myself a little. I warmed up on the treadmill, then I ramped up the speed to 12kph. It's faster than I had been running on the treadmill recently. I completed 2k quite comfortably and then slowed the pace so I could try something else.

Moving onto the cross trainer, I selected a lower intensity than usual with a view to doing half a kilometer forwards then backwards for about 2.5km. The only problem came when my 'power track' came on. I've never really been a fan of dance music, however, for exercise, I find that the beat can motivate me. The track that seems to do the most is "Sandstorm" by Darude. The way the music builds then dies then builds again somehow manages to push me on so even if I had no interest in doing exercise at the start of the track I've caught the bug by the end. And so it was that by a couple of minutes in, I had pushed up the intensity from the light workout I had planned to somewhere close to my normal setting.

After I finished on the cross trainer, I did about 6k on the exercise bike. This time it definitely was at a slower pace regardless of the music playing. After riding my bike yesterday and the still five days of Juneathon to do, some of which may or may not involve a cycling to Birmingham and back, I wasn't sure it was wise to push it. I therefore worked out roughly what distance I would need to do on the exercise bike to hit 7 miles and called it a day there.

Running: 1.77 miles in 18m 44
Cross-Trainer: 1.55 miles in 15m 04
Cycling: 3.74 miles in 12m 40

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 26.88 miles
Time - 3h 54m 02

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 102.62 miles
Time - 6h 15m 33

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 10.32 miles
Time - 1h 31m 51

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 165.55 miles
Total Time - 20h 18m 29  

Monday, 24 June 2013

Tour de West Bromwich #Juneathon day 24

"Are you going to cycle to work on Friday?" Sarah asked me this morning. Actually, this didn't seem like a bad idea as I'd switched days at work so I had a long day on a Thursday and a short day on Friday. This meant that for the first time I attempted the ride to work, I had a little more time to play with both in the morning and in the afternoon. However, although I'd ridden home from Decathlon on Saturday, I didn't think it was sensible to try and just ride to work on Friday without having tested some of the distance first. (I also confirmed with reception at work that there was shower available to rinse my stinky body when I got to work).

When I have used the exercise bike at both home and at the gym, I have been able to cover 10 miles in half an hour if I'm pushing it or a little longer if I'm not so I picked a route about 10 miles long and allowed myself about an hour to complete the distance. The route was a combination of road, towpath and the cycle route that runs alongside the Midland Metro.

About a minute into my ride, I realised that runkeeper decided I had covered no distance. In my attempt to preserve my phone's battery, I'd flicked it into airplane mode and so hadn't picked anything up. A quick change of the settings solved the problem and I set off again.

Tonight, my attire involved my padded cycling shorts, underneath my jogging pants. I also borrowed Sarah's gel seat and I must say that the ride was a lot more comfortable as a result. I was quite pleased with the way things went in the first half of the ride, with the only times I had to get off the bike was either to go up some steps or to let another cyclist past (the surprise was from the guy behind who absolutely caned it past me!). There were several sections that I wasn't keen on - particularly under bridges where the surface is either designed to shake every bone in your body, or to get you right next to the edge of the canal.

Although I was enjoying my ride, I left the towpath around the 5-mile mark (If I'd carried on, I'd have reached the office around 2-3 miles later), however my next challenge was a road section, starting with a hill. After I'd succesfully climbed it without getting off, I must admit to having my doubts as to whether I was capable of riding both to and from Birmingham the same day. (Sarah's managed it a couple of times and there's always the safety net of being able to ride to the station at the end of the day and get the train back again).

One of the benefits you get being outdoors as opposed to on an exercise bike is downhill. Gym equipment doesn't give you the credit for the distance if you freewheel it! and so started my route back alongside the tramline. This both was and wasn't a route I was familiar with as when we lived in Wolverhampton, we used to commute by tram to Birmingham every day. However, the path alongside the tramway does cross the tracks on several occasions with kissing gates either side of the track to prevent stupid people from trying to cross in front of a tram. This meant dismounting again, although by the end of the path, I had just about perfected the 'postman's dismount' - something I'd never got the hang of when I was a kid!

At various points during the ride, I felt a sharp pain in my back around my right shoulder from where I'd been hunched over, so Sarah kindly ran me a bath to soak in when I got back. I know I'm still shaky at slow speeds, but all in all it was a very good workout and bodes well for later in the week!

Cycling: 9.43 miles in 1h 03m 36


Juneathon totals:

Distance - 25.11 miles
Time - 3h 35m51

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 98.88 miles
Time - 6h 02m 53

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 8.77 miles
Time - 1h 16mm 47

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 158.49 miles
Total Time - 19h 32m 34  

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Pedal and Pool Power #Juneathon day 23

Ok, let's try and get the TMI bit out the way first... my bum hurts. I didn't notice so much yesterday evening, but then I was on a comfy sofa followed by an even more comfy bed.

The other thing on going downstairs was that something stank. After a brief inspection of the house, I concluded it wasn't inside and after briefly opening the front door, was satisfied it was nothing I needed to worry about.

My usual Sunday morning routine was to go swimming. However, they were resurfacing the car park so the obvious alternative was to cycle.

It's amazing how many roads that you think are flat when you're in a car turn out not to be when you're under your own steam. Fortunately, I seem to have solved the wonky seat issue I had yesterday.

It felt strange being sweaty before getting into the pool. I could have spent a lot longer in the shower before getting into the pool!

As I had already warmed up on the bike, I went straight into front crawl and of the 2km I covered, only about 60m was done on breast stroke. It wasn't a particularly fast time, but then at the back of my mind there was the thought that I had to ride home again. It was a really good workout, although just the sight of my cycling shorts reminded me that I ache!

On my way home, I found the reason for the odd smell - a local warehouse had been set alight and the fire brigade were in attendance

On getting home, I parked next to Sarah and then went for a well deserved shower as in comparison to other Sundays, I'd covered three times the distance.

Cycling: 2.29 miles in 14m 49 (2 rides)
Swimming: 1.24miles (2km) in 44m 33

My early birthday present courtesy of Sarah and Mr Decathlon
Juneathon totals:

Distance - 25.11 miles
Time - 3h 35m51

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 50m 38

Distance - 89.45 miles
Time - 4h 59m 17

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 8.77 miles
Time - 1h 16mm 47

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 149.06 miles
Total Time - 18h 28m 58  

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Running and cycling in the rain #Juneathon Day 22

It was always going to be a busy day today, however it would start as usual with a trip to Walsall Arboretum and Park Run.

Somehow I managed to reset my wristwatch to factory settings minutes before the race, so for me the race started just after midnight! It was threatening to rain as we set off, and I quickly got into a comfortable stride. Usually, the audio cues in my ear are quite helpful, but my brain wasn't engaged so I never really worked out whether I was ahead or behind my target pace (given I ran 25m 40 last week, I set my target at 25m 30).

Halfway round the third lap, it started to rain, not too heavily, but enough for me to notice, however I also realised that a PB was still possible. After being a bit miffed that I hadn't achieved a personal best in a while before last week, all of a sudden, just like buses, it appeared that a second one was following right behind. Stopping my watch as I crossed the line, it looked good and the text message later in day confirmed that was fifteen seconds faster than I'd run 5km before so today's Park run was bought to you by the number 17 and the letters P and B!

Park Run #17: 3.11miles (5km) in 25m 25 (56th finisher)

On my way to a second PB in two weeks - photo by Rocket Ron, linked from Flickr.
This evening, we went to buy my birthday present. Admittedly, it is two weeks early, however as we'd just been paid, it seemed like the best idea. I'd worked out my route home in advance, as if you're going to get a new bike, you might as well go somewhere you've never been before!

I had chosen to wear my running tights instead of my padded cycling shorts and I had dismissed Sarah's suggestion of getting a padded seat, however some of the canal towpaths that seem flat when you run on them can be anything but when you're on a bike. Still, everything was going well until about the 4-mile mark when my seat developed a mind of its own, reclining to an uncomfortable angle which made riding difficult and to cap it all, it started to rain again! Even so, I made it home without having to make too many stops and promptly tightened the seat to make future rides easier! The first ride of many.

Cycling: 6.25miles in 38m 09 

The way home

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 25.11 miles
Time - 3h 35m51

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 05m 55

Distance - 87.16 miles
Time - 4h 44m 28

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 8.77 miles
Time - 1h 16mm 47

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 145.53 miles
Total Time - 17h 29m 26  

Friday, 21 June 2013

Walking the West Midlands Waterways #Juneathon Day 21

Yesterday, the following was posted to the facebook page and twitter stream of Distinctly Black Country. It's a map of the canal network in the West Midlands, done in the style of the London Underground map. We live in Great Bridge, which is very close to the Birmingham Main Line (Red), Wednesbury Old (Brown) and Walsall (Yellow) canals. (In true London Underground style, the distance between 'stations'/'junctions' is not to scale!)

Image and key lined to the author's website at
I got the train in today, which starts my exercise for the day off with about a half mile walk up to Dudley Port train station and then a mile from Birmingham New Street to the office, which I always do by going through The Mailbox and then along the canalside at Gas Street Basin. I always find this is a quieter and calmer way than the hustle and bustle fighting your way through Victoria Square and down Broad Street. Anyone who is familiar with Birmingham in rush hour will know what I mean.

As it's my long day at work on a Friday, I get a lunch hour. Usually, I just have a walk down once side of the Birmingham Main Line canal from Old Turn to Rotton Park junction, cross over and come back down the other side. But I felt like a change today.

Instead, I headed down the Birmingham & Fazeley canal. I'd only really been down here once before and that was when we had the snow back in February. It was certainly nice to have some security under foot as I was going past the locks, unlike last time where it was quite icy in places.

Between Old Turn and Snow Hill, the space is quite enclosed, almost to the extent where it feels like people have decided they want to build something and if it happens to go over the canal so be it. I can imagine that it would be quite an intimidating place to be either at night or in nasty weather. After Snow Hill, however it widens into a much more open space again.

Birmingham & Fazeley Canal nr Livery St.

About 1/3 of a mile farther along
Using Google Maps as my guide, I left the towpath at this stage as I was going to have to go back to work at some point. I decided to head towards Bull Ring and back up New Street so I could grab my lunch. This enabled me to get a nice shot of the town hall with the floozy in the jacuzzi in front!

Enjoying the sun in Central Birmingham
A 'quick' walk at lunchtime!

I was actually out of work on time today, although it's slightly more important when I have a train to catch. Fortunately, there was a train running late today so I was able to catch that, but because I was earlier than expected, I also got off a stop early at Sandwell and Dudley. I just couldn't resist the opportunity to have another walk by the side of the canal on such a lovely day.

This walk took my a short way down the Birmingham Main Line, before I crossed over onto the Wednesbury Old Canal, continuing where it meets the Walsall Canal down 8 locks. Another three and a bit miles to go with a similar amount at lunchtime brings my walking time to just over two hours with a distance close to nine miles. I'm now going to sit down for a long time!

Walking: 8.79 miles in 2h 08m 45 (4 separate walks)

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 22.00 miles
Time - 3h 10m 26

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 05m 55

Distance - 80.91 miles
Time - 4h 06m 18

Distance - 17.98 miles
Time - 4h 37m 18

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 8.77 miles
Time - 1h 16mm 47

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 136.17 miles
Total Time - 16h 25m 51 

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Pointless workout - #Juneathon Day 20

Actually, the workout wasn't that bad. I went to the gym, starting on the cross trainer before moving onto the exercise bike. The reason it was pointless was (1) that was what I was watching whilst I was cycling and (2) it's weigh in day and I haven't lost anything this week. Granted, I haven't gained anything either so it's not all bad, but even half a pound would have been nice.

My pointless friend - the exercise bike.

Cross Trainer: 2.77 miles in 25m 00
Cycling: 10.97 miles in 34m 45

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 22.00 miles
Time - 3h 10m 26

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 05m 55

Distance - 80.91 miles
Time - 4h 06m 18

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 8.77 miles
Time - 1h 16mm 47

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 127.38 miles
Total Time - 14h 17m 06 

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

34 - #Juneathon Day 19

When I looked at the swimming timetable yesterday, I decided that the plan for today should be to go swmming. The only problem with this was that I was looking at the timetable for Tuesday and not Wednesday.

One of the reasons I decided I needed to lose weight was that my 40 inch jeans were starting to feel uncomfortably tight and in a time of defiance refused to move up to a size 42. Without a decent idea as to what exercise I was going to do today, I donned some clothes vaguely sensible for running and legged it to Asda, which, it turns out is only half a mile away.

I had been wearing 36 inch jeans for the last couple of months, but last night I took some measurements that suggested I'd lost 5cm off my waistline. In a way it's nice to know that even if I don't appear to be losing weight, my body shape is changing. At Asda, I grabbed a pair of 34 inch jeans and a pair of 32 inches as well for a laugh.

The 34 inch jeans fitted surprisingly well, the 32 inch were far too tight, although as a positive, I could do the button up (I couldn't comfortably breathe in them, but that was besides the point), so I left with a pair and a couple of pairs of shorts! By the time I got home, I'd only covered just over a mile. Although this is OK for Juneathon, it's not that helpful to keep my 2013/2013 on track.

Remembering that the pool I did Swimathon at was in a different borough, I checked the timetable to find they had later public swimming available and so I was able to get a bit more exercise done.

Somewhere between my youth and the present day, I've lost the ability to swim backstroke in a straight line. When I was training for Swimathon, I didn't bother doing backstroke as it wasn't going to be permitted on the day. The only time I did try backstroke was when I was at Crosby Leisure Centre and I put that down to the design of the roof (which was curved in above pool). In the short time I had the lane to myself tonight, I tried some back stroke and at one minute I was hitting the rope on the right and a shortly afterwards hit the rope on my left.

There were swimming lessons going on in the other three lanes and after a couple of lengths, I noticed that all the kids were waiting at the deep end and imagined that the teacher was saying "Pay attention to what I'm telling you or you'll end up all over the shop like that muppet!"

Better planning required for tomorrow!

Running: 1.04 miles in 8m 36
Swimming:  1.24 miles in 42m 43

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 22.00 miles
Time - 3h 10m 26

Distance - 5.27 miles
Time - 3h 05m 55

Distance - 69.94 miles
Time - 3h 31m 33

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 6.59 miles
Time - 56m 34

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 113.64 miles
Total Time - 13h 17m 21

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Fighting Frustration with Workout - #Juneathon Day 18

Everything was going fine until lunchtime, then something happened at work that got my goat. The obvious answer was to take it out on something at the gym.

Using the regular hour and a bit whilst G was at Brownies, I took myself off to Tipton Sports Academy. My run last night meant that I didn't feel the need to use the treadmill, so I used the time I might have spent on the treadmill to compensate for the lack of exercise bike at home instead. (I should be able to pick up a replacement power cable through eBay fairly cheaply, but if that doesn't do the trick, I don't know what will).

My workout today takes me to 1,006.72 exercised this year, so I'm half way towards my target of 2,013 miles in 2013 (just) with more than half the time remaining.

Here's to a better day tomorrow.

Cross Trainer: 2.86 miles in 24m 48
Exercise Bike: 11 miles in 32m 51

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 20.96 miles
Time - 3h 01m 50

Distance - 4.03 miles
Time - 2h 23m 12

Distance - 69.94 miles
Time - 3h 31m 33

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 6.59 miles
Time - 56m 34

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 111.36 miles
Total Time - 12h 26m 02

Monday, 17 June 2013

Emergency Run - #Juneathon Day 17

Today I was planning a session on the exercise bike. As this requires very little preparation, I wasn't in any hurry to get going. Around 7pm, I went into the study (I say study, it's what we call it, not that any studying goes on in there - a more factual descripton would be 'the-place-we-dump-everything-when-someone-is-coming-so-the-rest-of-the-house-looks-vaguely-tidy room'). I sat on the exercise bike and started to pedal lightly, waiting for the display to come on. It didn't.

Confused, I pressed some of the buttons. Checked the back of the console to see if there was an on/off switch that had got knocked - No. Checked it was plugged in - It was. Checked all sorts of things - no joy. What was I going to do? I hadn't done any exercise for Juneathon.

There was only one option - a run. I quickly changed into my Father's Day running top and a pair of shorts, plugged in my Father's Day headphones - ooo! comfy! and headed out. Using I traced out a circular route on the road that would be somewhere in the region of 5k, just because I knew that would take me no more than half an hour and I hadn't had my tea!

It was a sunny evening and the run went really well. My pace was a little slower than for Parkrun, but that wasn't important. Now to try and work out how to fix my exercise bike!

Running: 2.86 miles in 24m 48

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 20.96 miles
Time - 3h 01m 50

Distance - 4.03 miles
Time - 2h 23m 12

Distance - 58.94 miles
Time - 2h 58m 42

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 98.09 miles
Total Time - 11h 33m 10

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Father's day #Juneathon day 16

Last night, there was nothing on the telly, so Sarah and I broke out the board games. However, this did result in us getting a little bit tipsy. At 6.00am this morning, my children came in to wish me a Happy Father's Day. This was very sweet and, noting I had a bit of a thick head, rolled over and went back to sleep, hoping that I could shake it off before I needed to get up.

At 6.15am, G arrived with a bowl of cereal for me. Now breakfast in bed is a lovely idea, however that's far to early for me, still she'd put the effort in, so I sat up and ate it, before flolloping back down to doze off again but at 6.40am, she arrived with a cup of tea!

Eventually, I got myself out of bed and headed out to the swimming pool. I really must remember to leave earlier as the last couple of weeks I have got stuck behind someone with a membership query that seems to take ages to sort out. All the while I can see the pool and wishing I was in it.

I got home to find my children eager to give me my Father's Day presents - a new long sleeve running top, a bottle of bourbon and some new in-ear headphones. I look forward to trying all of them out very soon!

Swimming : 1.24 miles (2km) in 43m 59

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 18.10 miles
Time - 2h 37m 02

Distance - 4.03 miles
Time - 2h 23m 12

Distance - 58.94 miles
Time - 2h 58m 42

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 95.23 miles
Total Time - 11h 08m 22

Saturday, 15 June 2013

A Smooth Run - #Juneathon Day 15

After a light exercise day yesterday, I felt quite relaxed this morning, if a little tired and on opening the curtains, it seemed like a lovely day for a Park Run. On opening twitter, however...

I only live 5 miles from Walsall Arboretum. Yes, it's a bit blowy and it clearly has been raining here overnight, but surely it can't be that bad?! Fortunately, it still seemed to be dry by the time I got there and, having taken notice of my phone's reminder that I needed to do my shoelaces up, we were off.

The first lap felt a little funny - not in a bad way, but it seemed like I was being held up with no way past (actually, this can't have been the case as I think they still finished in front of me)! Still, I expected quite a slow first lap and so I was quite surprised when the 1 mile announcement came in my ear at 8 minutes and 07 seconds. Really?! So from thinking I was being held up, that time actually seemed faster than I was expecting. That then made me start to wonder whether I'd gone off too fast, however I felt comfortable with how I was running.

Just a short run in the park!

 Towards the end of the second lap, I let the incline about three quarters around the lap slow my pace slightly so I could try and run the final lap at a consisent pace and still have some energy left for a bit of a sprint finish. As I got an audio announcement in my headphones for reaching 2 miles, I realised my total time so far started with a 16... That meant as long as I could run that last lap at about a 9 minute pace, I would have cracked the 26 minute barrier.

The last lap felt as comfortable as the previous two and I realised I was actually passing people on the last lap and only one person passed me - which was both quite pleasing that it was that few and also quite surprising as it appeared to be a member of Blue Man Group - someone snapped a photo of him - see what I mean?

How do you see in those things?

I tried to maintain my consistent pace up the incline and turning the corner, kicked on down the hill with an attempt at a sprint finish. I knew a PB was on but had I made it?

A 'sprint' finish
My stopwatch said yes, Runkeeper said yes, so it was an agonising wait for official confirmation to come through.

 That's 23 seconds off my PB! Checking my splits according to Runkeeper...

So in fact, my first kilometer, where I thought I was being held up, was actually run at a pace of 07:37 min/mile! Looking back through the splits Runkeeper recorded for my previous runs, I have never run a mile in 08:07 before. OK, so I'm no Roger Bannister, but whilst I have a new PB target to aim at, I'm adding the target of running a mile in under 8 minutes as well!

Park Run #16: 3.11 miles (5km) in 25m 40 (69th finisher). Not lapped!

All the photos on this blog are linked to the Walsall Park Run Flick page - no copyright infringement intended. Photos taken by Rocket Ron.

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 18.10 miles
Time - 2h 37m 02

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 58.94 miles
Time - 2h 58m 42

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 93.99 miles
Total Time - 10h 24m 23

Friday, 14 June 2013

When you walk through a storm... #Junathon Day 14

Easy day Friday.

I stepped out of the office at lunchtime to go for a walk along the towpath... just as the heavens opened. Which left me with the dilemma of "Does a 0.1m walk count towards Juneathon"? Whilst I was considering this, I remembered I had an umbrella in the car so popped back for it and started alongside the canal.

I was beginning to think that the weather was playing a joke on me as it seemed that as soon as I put the umbrella up, the rain stopped again. Despite the rain that had fallen in the last couple of days, the towpath wasn't too muddy or too puddly (if that's a word).

The dry weather didn't last long though as all of a sudden there was lightning and thunder overhead and a massive downpour. It was still nice to see other runners smiling and laughing even if they were getting absolutely drenched!

The calm before the storm on a little lunchtime walk in Central Birmingham.
Walking: 2.37 miles in 37m 00.

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 14.99 miles
Time - 2h 11m 22

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 58.94 miles
Time - 2h 58m 42

Distance - 9.19 miles
Time - 2h 28m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 90.88 miles
Total Time - 9h 58m 43 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The run after the storm #Juneathon Day 13

It absolutely bucketed down in Birmingham today. Fortunately, when I got home with the kids, it was just grey, although it looked like it could have another go at any minute.

I decided to head out and do a 5k run to see how I would cope with the new running belt that I bought yesterday, whilst trying to work out the route that would have the least amount of puddles on it. This, I decided would be the Walsall Canal, switching onto the Tame Valley Canal, skirting round the outside of Wednesbury before rejoining the Walsall Canal to head back again. I warmed up, stopped to make sure both my shoelaces were tight and then set off.

This felt like a really good run. It has more elevation changes than I'm used to and even though I had to slow down for a horse that had escaped and was being herded back to its field by its owner, I kept my time under 27 minutes. As this was a GPS 5km as opposed to a measured 5km, I'm OK with that.

As if to illustrate the GPS/measured issue, I was using runkeeper on 2 i-devices simultaneously. One to track my warm up and warm down walks, and one to time the run itself (otherwise I would done my warm up, then cooled down whilst changing settings!) The GPS trace for my run was pretty much spot on, but for the walk, you'd have thought that the satellite was trying to track each leg of a drunken spider! Usually, I don't go back into the map and correct the GPS trace, however I couldn't let this one stand. Particularly as it suggested my warm up and warm down walks were longer and faster than the run I'd just done!

The belt was quite comfy to run in, but I am going to need to make sure it's tight enough as originally it wasn't and the bottle kept trying to work its way around my body.

Thursday is also weigh-in day and another 1/2lb lost - hurrah!

Running: 3.11 mile in 26m 43.
Walking: 1.76 miles in 27m 59.
Weight loss: 0.5lb

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 14.99 miles
Time - 2h 11m 22

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 58.94 miles
Time - 2h 58m 42

Distance - 6.82 miles
Time - 1h 51m 33

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 88.51 miles
Total Time - 9h 21m 43 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Downpour #Juneathon Day 12

On Monday, between my children (each of them blaming the other), one of the foam handle grips for S's scooter was completely destroyed. S's answer was that he should have a new scooter that went as fast as G's and he promptly went off in a huff when we told him that it was nothing to do with the scooter and everything to do with her legs being longer! So after work today, I headed to Decathlon in Wednesbury.

Decathlon is one of those places I have a love/hate relationship with. I love all the sports stuff they have in there and I have the fact that I don't have the money to buy all the stuff in there!

I managed to find some new grips for S's scooter and had a quick browse through the running section. I picked up a running belt, which can carry a water bottle and has a zip up pocket as well. It will certainly give me somewhere to put my keys when I don't want to either wear a jacket or have a rucksack.

Before I went into Decathlon, it was spitting lightly and I was more than happy to go through with my plan to go for a run as my exercise for the day. By the time I came out again, it was raining cats and dogs. Now I don't mind the rain, and I don't mind doing exercise, however I'm not keen to do get absolutely drenched just to go for a run (on what would have been a puddle-filled, muddy towpath) and so I parked that idea for another day.

Instead I jumped on the exercise bike and decided to take it slightly slower than I had earlier in the week, however my time for 10 miles wasn't too shabby (IMHO).

Exercise Bike - 10 miles in 32m 18

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 11.88 miles
Time - 1h 44m 39

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 58.94 miles
Time - 2h 58m 42

Distance - 5.06 miles
Time - 1h 23m 34

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 83.64 miles
Total Time - 8h 27m 01

You can't park that car there - a weekend of live music part 2

Last time out (for me)
Concert programme cover
On Sunday, it was time to have my Christmas present.

I first saw Bon Jovi on the "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" tour in Milton Keynes in September 1993 when I was 16. Almost 20 years later, we headed off to Villa Park, Birmingham for the latest leg of their "Because We Can" tour. whilst the children were left in the capable hands of my mother-in-law who had come down for the day especially.

20 years later!
We'd never been to Villa Park before, so we worked out where we wanted to park and arrived about half an hour before the doors were due to open. What we hadn't considered, however was which door we were going to need to go in, where that might be and what might be the best way to get there. We therefore ended up walking virtually all the way around the stadium to get to the queue we needed to be in. Fortunately, a combination of Villa Park and the event organisers were very quick at admitting people into the ground and we were soon able to treat ourselves to some very nice, but overpriced refreshments.

When we entered the arena itself, you couldn't help but notice there was a huge car parked at the North Stand end of the ground...

Aston Villa's way of not conceding goals next season - stick a car in the goalmouth!

Having taken our seats, we occupied our time by playing "Where are our friends?" Even at 4.45pm with the Holte End virtually empty, it was almost impossible to work out where they were. As it turned out they were right at the back on the left hand-side of the top tier (unless it was some other people randomly waving at us)!

Aston Villa's other way of confusing the opposition. Changing the pitch and removing the goalposts!

At around 5.45pm, the first support act came on. I'd heard rumours they were a local unsigned band who'd won a competition to support Bon Jovi, however I didn't know who they were at the time (Apparently they were Of Kings And Captains). They were quite good - although I must admit from the distance we were from the stage, they didn't necessarily have my full attention.

After a short break, the next support act took to the stage - The Enemy. Whilst there appeared to be several people around us who were aware of them, again, I wasn't one of them. Prior to the concert I had tried googling to see who would be playing before Bon Jovi, but without success.

I quite enjoyed them and thanks to people on I can revisit their playlist. I did, however, enjoy their performance of James' "Sit Down".

Not long after The Enemy left the stage, the video walls either side of the kicked in announcing the main event was just 25 minutes away... and all of a sudden they were on stage... Well three of them were - David Bryan on keyboards, Tico Torres on drums and of course, Jon. Richie, unfortunately was missing.

On the run up to the concert, I had listened to Bon Jovi's latest album "What About Now" through Spotify on a couple of occasions so when they opened with "That's What The Water Made Me", at least I knew the chorus. They soon tore into some more familiar numbers that got the whole stadium on its feet (with the exception of the miserable woman the other side of Sarah, who clearly didn't want to be there).

Birmingham! Raise Your Hands!

It was a varied set with tracks ranging from "Runaway" off their debut self-titled album through "Slippery When Wet", "Keep The Faith" and "Crush" up to their latest album. There were several tracks I wasn't familiar with as they have had a couple of albums out whilst I wasn't paying attention, however this didn't diminish my enjoyment!

As they tore into 'In These Arms' it was time for Jon to go walkabout and sang the song whilst using the semicircular walkway that was the divide between the gold and diamond circles, taking the opportunity to shake hands/high five some of the audience along the way.

Finishing the concert with 'Livin' on a Prayer' was always going to be a crowd-pleaser and at the end, the band duly took their bows. However, as they were leaving the stage, the volume of the audience increased. Jon turned, with a look on his face that suggested he was taken aback by the force of the noise that had just hit him and calling to the rest of the band, turned around.

Taking the stage for a final time, Jon asked the audience what we'd like them to play next and after judging the response from the crowd, turned to the rest of the band and say "Basically, they want us to play 'Always'" which they did before finishing off with 'Blood on Blood'. Leaving the stage for the final time after being on stage for almost three hours, we left the stadium on a high and with a sore throat from the amount of singing and shouting we'd done.

Gone are the days of the lighter in the air - now it's the LED on your smartphone.

We "had a nice day!"

Playlist set up in Spotify

Review from the Express and Star

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Drop off and Pick Up - #Juneathon Day 11

On Tuesdays, G goes to Brownies, which gives me just enough time to get an hour in down the gym.

Last time I went, I quite enjoyed the warm up on the cross trainer as a change from on the treadmill so I did that again. When I did get on the treadmill I did a 0.25km slow to get into a rhythm, then 2km at roughly 11.5 kph as I worked out that was roughly what pace I was doing at Park Run. Hopefully, I should be able to increase this speed in the future so I can set a faster time at the weekend.

To cool down, I did the best part of 6 miles on the exercise bike before going to collect G again. Unlike my sessions at the weekend, I left the gym feeling good!

Cross Trainer - 1.87 miles in 16m 49
Running - 1.55 miles in 15m 19
Exercise Bike - 5.9 miles in 18m

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 11.88 miles
Time - 1h 44m 39

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 48.94 miles
Time - 2h 26m 24

Distance - 5.06 miles
Time - 1h 23m 34

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 3.73 miles
Time - 31m 46

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 73.64 miles
Total Time - 7h 54m 43

Monday, 10 June 2013

A weekend of live music - part 1

I was flicking through twitter on Friday night and I noticed a pair of tweets.

To be honest, I'd never been to the Public in West Bromwich and I'd never heard of the people's orchestra either. On quickly checking their website, the concert programme was billed as an evening of sporting themes. I also noticed from twitter that their feed only had 599 followers so if I was quick, I could be a winner!

And so it turned out. We had a couple of choices, find a babysitter, one of us take one of the children or buy a couple of tickets for the children and take them as well. As the children's tickets were reasonably priced, we went for the last option (albeit with electronic gadgets just in case!)

If you're a sports fan, there wasn't a tune you wouldn't have known:

Soul Limbo (BBC Cricket)Match of the Day
The Chain (BBC Formula One) - which I always forget is longer than just the bit you hear on the telly!
Musical Joke (BBC Horse of the Year Show)
Light and Tuneful (BBC Wimbledon)
Pavanne - Faure (1998 World Cup)
Chariots of Fire - Vangelis

After the interval there was

Pop looks Bach (BBC Ski Sunday)
Nessum Dorma - Puccini (1990 World Cup)
Swing Low Sweet Chariot (England Rugby)
Bolero - Ravel (Torvill & Dean's Routine at the 1984 Winter Olympics)

And for the encore, a taster of their next concert in September:

Medley from Les Misérables
Dambusters March.

Let's be clear - The People's Orchestra are not the London Symphony and to be fair they don't claim to be. There were the odd split/bum note here and there, however this didn't matter. This was a group of musicians who obviously enjoyed playing together and special mentions must go to the sax section, who I think got the 'Mr Bean' part in Chariots of Fire (which if you'll understand if you saw the Olympic opening ceremony and actually made me want to watch it again) and the drummer who had to do the same rhythm all the way through Bolero and did it flawlessly.

They must have inspired G as she found out her recorder before 8am the following morning, which is good news as Sarah and I would love her to pick up an instrument. Unfortunately, she has shown no interest in it so far, even when her best friend bought a euphonium home from school! Sarah, however was interested in signing up, so she may end up joining the orange t-shirt brigade (as each department has their own colour t-shirt with their instrument on it).

Regardless of whether she does or doesn't join the people's orchestra, I would definitely go and see them again.

Horsepower vs Pedalpower - #Juneathon day 10

For my birthday next month, I'm having a new bicycle - it's something I've been thinking about for a while. So much so that when I first mentioned it to Sarah, she decided to have one for her birthday as well. In fact she's been making me jealous, taking off on rides down the towpath.

I was out yesterday afternoon (a separate blog post is being written to explain) so I didn't get to watch the Canadian Grand Prix. I therefore started to watch the BBC's coverage on the iPlayer whilst riding the exercise bike.

My intention was to do around half an hour and figured that I'd check where I was after about 20 laps. Often when I try and do something else whilst riding the exercise bike (ie playing SongPop), I don't ride as fast. I tend to think I'm doing well if I manage to cover 10 miles in less than half an hour, so I'm quite pleased with my workout this evening. I wonder whether I can keep that up when I jump on my new bike!

Exercise Bike - 10 miles in 29m 48

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 10.33 miles
Time - 1h 29m 19

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 43.04 miles
Time - 2h 08m 24

Distance - 5.06 miles
Time - 1h 23m 34

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 1.86 miles
Time - 14m 557

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 64.32 miles
Total Time - 7h 04m 35

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Not feeling the love - #Juneathon Day 9

Whenever we have a visitor, the house needs to be tidied as there's always a bit of it that's a mess (that perhaps should read there's only a little bit that's tidy, but I digress).

During the tidying process yesterday, I located and put my swimming gear in a safe place, knowing I'd be needing it today. Unfortunately, by the time I went to bed, I had no idea where I'd put then! At least I have another pair of trunks available!

I struggled to get out of bed this morning... then I struggled to head out to the swimming pool. This in itself isn't unusual, however even after a couple of lengths, I wasn't feeling the love for my swim this morning. I clocked up 2k in a touch under 45 minutes, which I can't really complain at given the level of effort I was putting in, however I really need to get a decent night's sleep!

Swim - 1.24 miles in 44m 49

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 10.33 miles
Time - 1h 29m 19

Distance - 2.79 miles
Time - 1h 39m 13

Distance - 33.04 miles
Time - 1h 37m 36

Distance - 5.06 miles
Time - 1h 23m 34

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 1.86 miles
Time - 14m 557

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 54.32 miles
Total Time - 6h 34m 47 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Can anyone tie a shoelace? #Juneathon Day 8

Park Run again this morning and it was a beautiful day in Walsall Arboretum. I crossed the line and the volunteer scanning bar codes asked "Did you enjoy that?" The only reply I could give was "Not really, but at least I finished".

Having used some of the Couch to 5k podcast and 5k+ extension packs, the voice-over tells you that sometimes you will run well and sometimes you won't. I could think up some reasons why I didn't do so well - some might be right, but really, they'd only be excuses so I'm just going to put this morning down to one of those days I just didn't run well. Next week it's going to be different - although if someone can tweet me (@plockplock) before 8.45am to remind me to make sure my shoelaces are done up properly so I don't have to stop at the first corner and re-tie them, that would be appreciated.

Even though I was slower than in previous weeks, my finishing position was actually higher. Somehow, I also managed not to be lapped. Having said that the Aldridge 10k is taking place tomorrow, so some of the runners may be keeping their powder dry for that. Good luck to anyone taking part in that.

Park Run #15: 3.11 miles (5km) in 26m 28 (63rd finisher)
Walk - 1.5 miles in 26m 47

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 10.33 miles
Time - 1h 29m 19

Distance - 1.55 miles
Time - 54 m 24

Distance - 33.04 miles
Time - 1h 37m 36

Distance - 5.06 miles
Time - 1h 23m 34

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 1.86 miles
Time - 14m 557

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 53.08 miles
Total Time - 5h 49m 57

Friday, 7 June 2013 #juneathon day 7

Friday is my long day at work (8 hours instead of 5). Sometimes I walk/get the train. Not today - I didn't get out of bed in time, so I drove in instead.

I prefer to have a light exercise day on a Friday, just because I've weighed in the night before and I've plenty of time to undo any damage before next Thursday. Usually, this just involves me going for a walk around the Birmingham canal network in my lunch hour. Not today, Sarah decided she was going to cycle the 7.5 miles into the city to meet me for lunch and then go home. This was very enjoyable, but after a long day in the office, the last thing I really wanted to do was any exercise.

Still, I bit the bullet and went on the exercise bike...

Exercise bike: 10.00 miles in 29m 43 

Juneathon totals:

Distance - 7.22 miles
Time - 1h 02m52

Distance - 1.55 miles
Time - 54 m 24

Distance - 33.04 miles
Time - 1h 37m 36

Distance - 3.56 miles
Time - 56m 47

Cross Trainer:
Distance - 1.86 miles
Time - 14m 557

Rowing Machine:
Distance - 1.24 miles
Time - 09m 07

Total Distance - 48.47 miles
Total Time - 4h 56m 43