Sunday, 31 March 2013

The boringly unoriginal 'March Exercise Blog'

It felt like I spent less time in the gym in March than I have in the last couple of months. Part of that will be because I've switched some of my exercise time to the pool to make sure I can complete Swimathon (which is now only four weeks away). sponsorship here
:> But I've also stopped using the gym whilst the kids are playing tennis.

DS was being a little disruptive during a couple of sessions, to the extent that the instructor needed to come and get us out of the gym to have a word! He seems a lot calmer with me watching him and Stellian gets to do her workout. Fortunately, I've got into the routine of heading out to the Walsall Arboretum Park Run every Saturday morning, which is over and done with by the time tennis starts, so I'm still getting some exercise done.

So far, my times have been pretty consistent (apart from last week's when I was 5 minutes slower, although this might have something to do with the heavy snow, having to dig the car out before I left home and getting to the start line a good minute after everyone else had started - still I managed to break into the top 20 finishers... even if the field did only consist of 23!)

Action shot! (Taken by Mudrunner Photography).

This month, I also moved my rest day from Wednesday to Friday. It made sense to have the break after I'd weighed in and also made sure I was rested before heading out to Park Run on Saturday. Working a long day on a Friday always meant I didn't have a strong desire to fit any exercise in and doing some kind of workout on a Wednesday should help me on the scales as well. Speaking of which, my weight loss for the month is 3lbs (although having just consumed one of Stellian's gorgeous roast dinners, I think I may have put it all back on again!) This weight loss has scraped me under 14 stone by the smallest of margins (4oz!), but has also enabled me to fit into a slimmer waistline pair of trousers as well, so it's going quite well.

As far as 2013 miles in 2013 is concerned, I'm still on target, doing 7 miles more in the month above the average. At this stage, it still feels like an unachievable target, but as long as I take it one month at a time and keep an eye on my daily average, I might stand a chance.

Finally, after 80 years serving the community, our local swimming pool closed for the final time on Maundy Thursday. It was a lovely pool and I have fond memories of going with my family when I was small (although I never have managed to go when the slide was open!) I had a Tipton Swimming Pool sweatshirt that had "Costa Del Tipton 'Por Favor Aer Kid'" on it, which I used to wear all the time.

It's not all bad news, it has been replaced by a new swimming pool that's closer to our house and it is a wonderful facility. It's just a shame that a little piece of local history has been lost.

March Breakdown:

Walking: 5.64 miles in 1h 30m 04
Running: 23.45 miles in 3h 49m 28
Cycling: 123.24 miles in 6h 05m12
Cross Trainer (Elliptical): 2.52 miles in 25m 07

Swimming: 19.94 miles in 12h 15m25

Total: 174.79 miles in 24h 05m 16

Year to Date
Distance: 525.7 miles
Remaining: 1,487.3 miles